Sunday, June 5, 2016

Low Carb Stir Fry

Chicken Project

Okay so this is a picture of our chicken house when we first built it.  We used part for storage and part for chickens.  After this we put a lean to on the side where the a-frame is and used the two sides for lambs and goats.  There is now a fence around our fields so we let our chickens roam.  However, when we sold our last sheep and had nothing left but chickens the possums, skunks and foxes began to appear.  We now have no chickens left.  What a bummer.  I never thought of sheep as being a guardian animal, but the timing suggests that they were.

Before we get ANY animals again we are going to re-think everything. We will make an enclosure with chicken wire coming off of this chicken house on the side where the junk is, and the other side (which is now a 3 sided lean to) will become a place to store the lawn mower.

I have found that homesteading is a never-ending and changing process.  Many websites I have visited say the same thing.  Improvements and additions are just a part of learning.  So anyway, there will be photos of our project when we begin.