Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring planting

We had my Mom stay a couple nights and that is always fun. Taking her home today, we decided to get some bulbs and things from her vast supply of plants and flowers.

Among the things we got from her was a "Chick and Hens". Of course we then knew we had to get a Strawberry planter to put them in.

We got some other things also that I will be planting soon and getting some pics.

Big News!

Many years have passed since we got our goats.  We enjoyed them so much and had others born or purchased.  Boogie and Bessie were our first experiment with farm animals besides our chickens.  They will never be forgotten!

 This was published on 3/13/10
Lex and I are expecting! We are very exciting. We are expecting twins, one boy and one girl. We even have a picture of them.

We should be bringing them home around the end of April.
I haven't registered yet for my baby shower, but I can let you know what I need. (no tin cans please!)
Right now our main concern is the nursery and learning everything we can about taking care of our "twins".